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Seoul Innovation Fab Lab is currently accepting project proposals.

If you have an idea that you think could become a reality at Seoul Innovation Fab Lab then we want to hear from you. We have a diverse team able to help guide you through the iteration and design process to bring your idea to life.

Successful applicants often engage with a broad cross section of Seoul's citizens or propose novel solutions to social issues facing the city. We look forward to the participation of many makers who want to contribute to solving social problems through creativity and skills.

With your help we can reach our goal of creating self sustaining Fab Cities by 2054.

Together we can all work to create a better city for the future.

Application forms are available for download below and can be submitted to

​서울이노베이션팹랩 이용은 프로젝트 모집 선발 과정 후 가능합니다. 

​팹랩에서 실험정신을 발휘할 분들을 신중하게 선별하고 모집하면서 '실험'에 대한 실험을 하고 있습니다. 

 ** 양식 다운로드 후, 작성하여 이메일로 제출해주시기 바랍니다. 

팹랩 오픈데이(화요일)

기술기반 프로젝트(마감)

프로젝트 제안

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